After years of avoiding it, I decided to finally run a WordPress website for my projects and thoughts. I was always on the lookout for the ‘best’ platform for running a site, and even wrote my own based on various stacks including the most recent on Django, but they always fell short. You know there is a problem when you spend more time on the platform than on the content. I guess I enjoyed tinkering and never was satisfied with how it looked – there was always one more widget to build and technology to fold in. However, no matter how many widgets I built, or how many stacks I tried, the websites always looked a bit off. You know what I mean? Basically I could tell they were designed by an engineer. They were functional but boring. They lacked the style of a graphic designer.
So I thought about it and decided that if I can’t build it, maybe I should just buy it.
So why WordPress? According to a statistic I read, over 45% of all websites use WordPress. Now that is a staggering figure. I thought that if there are so many sites using it then I may as well have a look.
Also, given it is Open Source, I would be able to host it myself, so I could still do a bit of tinkering. It also means I own my data and won’t have to worry about exporting it down the line should I wish to migrate to a shiny new platform