I remember first reading blogs at the dawn of the web in the 1990s. A lot were awful, some were ok and a few were just awesome. They were the best way to learn new things, to get inspiration, fill you with wonder, nerd out or simply stop to think. The early web was quite naive in many ways; everyone trusted what was written and it feels like people were far more open back then. People just put everything out there. Everything was new and fresh, and everyone was excited. Never before in the history of the world could people communicate across the world so easily, share interests or just hang out in chat rooms.
Over the years since I’ve relied on these blogs and websites to solve problems and educate myself. Generally if you have a problem with some technology the first thing you do is search for the error on the web. If that didn’t work you may consider reading a manual. Nowadays you could also ask your AI.
So this site is my way of collecting the information I discover during a project. I will also use it to document any solutions to problems I encounter – both for my future self and for anyone who finds themselves in the same situation. Also, I find the act of writing forces me to think analytically and in a structured way. It gives me room to explore ideas and plot out courses of action or to design experiments to test them. In writing I can put flesh on the bones of thoughts, and hopefully learn a thing or two along the way.
Check out the latest Blog Post –
Or have a look at the projects pages